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Failure Is the Pillar Of Success/story

Failure is the pillar of success

Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland. His army was defeated again and again against the King Edward-1 of England. Being defeated for six times he lost his hope. He was very sad losing his kingdom .He fled  from his country to save his life. He took shelter in a remote cave. The king was always in despair there. Once he was lying in the cave. Then he saw a spider trying to reach the ceiling of the cave. The spider tried again and again to reach the ceiling but failed. It tried six times but every time it failed. But it did not give up hope and attempts. It became successful to reach the ceiling in its seventh attempt. This activity of the spider inspired Bruce. He decided to fight the enemies once again. He gathered an army of strong men and attacked his enemies for the seventh time. This time the enemies were defeated and Robert Bruce regained his kingdom.

(words 162)

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