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A Tea Stall paragraph

 A Tea Stall

A tea stall is a shop where ready is served to the costumers. It usually found at the turn of roads, in railway station or bus station, near an office or a factory, in steamer or launch gate . A tea stall may be small. It is not well furnished. There is a oven where a kettle is kept burning. It has a few chairs, benches and tables. It open early in the morning and closes late at night. A small tea stall has a radio or TV. It is kept to draw the attention of the passerby. The manager sits at the front and a cash box is kept in front of him. He collects money from the costumers. Anyone can have a tea from a tea stall. It is a meeting place of all kind of people. Discussions on a wide variety of topics; mostly hot discussion on currents politics are held in a tea stall. In fact, a tea stall is a busy place because it is a favorite resort to all kinds of people.

(words 173)

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